2 Mukhi Moon Bracelet from Java with silver balls and chakri - 8mm
Product Description: This 2 Mukhi Moon Bracelet is made up from Java with silver balls and chakri. Approximately 4 gms of silver has been used to make the bracelet. There are 12 numbers of beads, each of size 8 mm. The ruling planet of the Two Mukhi Rudraksha is Moon. Two Mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Ardhanareshwar, that is a combination of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Two Mukhi Rudraksha helps in eliminating the malefic effects of the Moon. This Rudraksha must be worn by people who want to feel secure and happy in life.
Number of beads: 12
Length: 7.5 inches
Wearing Day: Monday
Ruling Planet: Moon
Ruling God: Lord Ardh Nareshwar
Bead Size: 8 mm