Five Mukhi Rudraksha is called the panch Mukhi rudraksha. The lord Kalangi the five forms of lord shiva represents the five Mukhi Rudraksha. It is mostly worn by people to maintain good health. The five Mukhi Rudraksha is known for its spiritual benefits as the wearer gets closer to almighty and gets to a higher version of oneself. The wearer of the panch Mukhi Rudraksha is protected from the untimely death. The five elements Agni, fire, Vayu, Aakash, and Prithvi are controlled by the five Mukhi Rudraksha. Intellectual properties can also be cultivated by wearing the five Mukhi Rudraksha. According to Puranas, the rudraksha is eye-shaped representing the eyes of lord shiva. 70% of the rudraksha trees are found in Indonesia . Though rudraksha beads from Nepal are rarely found the five Mukhi Rudraksha is easily available and doesn’t need to be in huge quantities from Java.
- The wearer of the five Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed with a stress-free life and leads a better life.
- It is highly recommended for teachers, scholars, and students to wear the five Mukhi Rudraksha.
- Public speakers can achieve great success professionally by wearing the five Mukhi Rudraksha.
- The wearer of the five Mukhi Rudraksha is guided towards a spiritual path in life.
Health Benefits:
- People suffering from high blood pressure or cholesterol should wear the five Mukhi Rudraksha.
- Digestive Disorders can be cured by wearing the five Mukhi Rudraksha.
- People suffering from thyroid gland problems should wear the five Mukhi rudraksha to get relief.
- Respiratory disorders like asthma are cured by wearing the five Mukhi Rudraksha.
- If a wearer is shy or dull in behavior the same problem can be resolved by wearing the five Mukhi rudraksha as it ensures emotional well being.
Wearing Day:Thursday.
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Ruling God: Kaalagni Rudra
Beej Mantra:Om Hreem Namah
Bead Size: 20mm
Origin: Nepal
Astrological Views:it protects the wearer from the mal effects of planet Jupiter.
How to wear:
- The five Mukhi rudraksha needs to be energized before wearing them.
- The wearer of the five Mukhi Rudraksha has to get up early around dawn on a Thursday bathe and cleanse oneself.
- After that sit in cleaned north direction of the house and chant the beej mantra om hreem namah with a clear mind.
- The five Mukhi Rudraksha bead can be worn in silk or woolen thread or can be capped in silver or gold.
Shipping Details: Loose Beads will be delivered within 10 days. Products other than loose beads i.e., bracelets, pendants, taveez, can take upto 12 to 15 days.