Pearl increases facial lustre, charminner, inner and outer beauty. It reduces tensions, creates mental balance, peace of mind and enhances power of love and understanding. Pearl enhances the effects of the moon. The wearer of Pearl is blessed with good relationships and marital bliss .
Pearl set in ring, pendant or bracelet according to Science Therapy it gives beneficial results to the wearer and pacifies malefic effects of Moon and enhances the positive effects. Pearl should be worn by those who have Moon malefic in their chart as well as by those who have Moon benefic. A person who wishes to have mental peace, emotional stabilit and harmonious relationships may use this gemstone.
Quality: Flawless, Superior, Cultured, Lustrous, Vedic astrology approved gemstone
Color: Moon White
Shape: Round
Origin: South Sea, Japan
Luster: High
Certificate will be provided.
Wear on little finger only for full results or alternatively wear this as a bracelet/pendant.