Brand: Rudraksha Gemstone
Product Code: YSGM04
Availability: In Stock

Yellow Sapphire is a gemstone of planet Jupiter and it enhances one’s intelligence, communication skills and wisdom. Yellow Sapphire brings profits and success in business, promotion, raise, industry and approbation in service, economic abundance and all comforts and luxuries in life. It results in fulfilment, good health, longevity and benevolence.


Yellow Sapphire set in ring/pendant according to Science Therapy of experts is that it gives beneficial results to the wearer and pacifies malefic effects of Jupiter and enhances the positive effects. The Person who wishes to have success in job/business and enhance his communication skills may use this gemstone. Yellow Sapphire may be worn by those who have Jupiter malefic in their chart as well as by those who have Jupiter benefic. 


Quality: Natural, Brilliant, Lustrous, Superior, Flawless, Untreated, Eye Clean, Vedic astrology approved gemstone. 

Color: Yellow 

Luster: High 

Origin: Ceylon 


Certificate will be provided. 


Wear on middle finger only for full results or alternatively wear this as a pendant/bracelet.

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Anil M
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